Reading with Kat

Working Mother Book Blogger

It’s always nice to set goals in January, and being January it is therefore forcing me to have a little think about goals related to reading and making it public I may even stick to some of them.

Read 70 books this year

Self-explanatory really, it’s pretty much in-line with the last couple of years and is about the most I can read in a year. I wonder if I should aim higher? But when I try to read too many books I find I rush through them and do not enjoy reading as much because it becomes a chore.

Cancel my Audible subscription

This sounds like the opposite of what I should be doing to accomplish goal 1 but hang in there while I explain. I only intend to cancel my annual subscription, not shut down my account. I have over 400 books in my audible account with at least 50 (maybe even more) that I haven’t read, so if I don’t buy any new books, I am more likely to read the books I already have, and this is just for one year, let’s see if I can last that long without buying any new audiobooks! It will be challenging.

Read 10 books from my bookshelf before buying any new books

I have about 100 books on my physical book shelf (my husband won’t let me have more than one shelving unit for books) and I haven’t read about half of them, so I really need to reduce my TBR both here and on audible.

Attend my local bookgroup

For the first time, I might add. There is a book group in my town that meets once a month, I feel a bit nervous to go, to meet new and local people but I will be brave.

Write and publish more book blog posts than 2022

This won’t be hard as I only posted 5 times last year! To be fair to me though I was finishing off my dissertation, this year I have no more studying to do, so I am free as a bird. Well as free as a full-time working mum can be! 😉

Read 10 classic novels

I read about 5 classics last year, but I still have a long list of classics I want to read. Including but not limited to: The Catcher in the Rye, War and Peace, Catch-22, Macbeth or Hamlet, Daniel Deronda.

Read more physical books

The ratio of audio to physical books is about 8:1 in favour of audio, mostly because I am too busy to sit down with a book most of the time, however, I intend to make more reading time this year.

What are your bookish goals for 2023?

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